Vital Signs Monitoring and Management

Paper Info
Page count 2
Word count 640
Read time 3 min
Topic Medicine
Type Essay
Language 🇺🇸 US

Importance of Vital Signs

Imagine living a life that you do not know your vital signs: body temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure. Monitoring the vital signs display a snapshot of what is going inside a patient’s body, medics obtain crucial information about their patients’ organs. Consequently, appropriate medical decisions are made, promoting wellbeing and avoiding medical errors. Therefore, monitoring vital signs help people avoid misdiagnosis and promote quality healthcare.

Monitoring Vital Signs Overview

Monitoring vital signs involves measuring essential body functions, including body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure. The body temperature is measured using mercury thermometers (Bao et al., 2021). Pulse rate is measured using the first and second fingertips and a clock. The bioimpedance-based sensors measure the respiratory rate directly and should be done when a person is at rest (Bao et al., 2021). Meanwhile, a sphygmomanometer measures blood pressure by recording systolic and diastolic pressures. Specific steps must be followed when measuring the vital signs.

Steps When Monitoring Vital Signs

Measuring Body Temperature

Step 1

Read the thermometer’s instructions, then wash your hands using soap and warm water before using the instrument.

Step 2

Clean the thermometer before use with rubbing alcohol or soap and lukewarm water. The step should be repeated after every use of the thermometer.

Step 3

Take oral temperature by placing the thermometer tip under your tongue. Close the mouth around the thermometer for recommended duration, and remove to read the number. Rectal temperature can be measured by inserting the bulb end into the anal canal less than 1 inch deep.


The rectal and oral temperatures should be taken using different thermometers. Furthermore, oral temperatures should be taken more than thirty minutes after eating. The average body temperature is 98.9 degrees Fahrenheit.

Measuring Pulse Rate

Step 1

Use the first and the second fingertips to press firmly but gently on the arteries close to the skin surface.

Step 2

Begin counting the pulse when the clock’s second hand is 12. Count the pulse for 60 seconds or 15 seconds and multiply by four to calculate beats per minute.


Avoid watching the clock continuously, but concentrate on the pulse beats when counting the pulse. You may ask another person to measure for you when unsure about the counts. An average pulse rate among adults ranges between 60 to 100 beats per minute.

Measuring the Respiratory Rate

Step 1

Please sit down and try to relax, and it is best to record the respiratory rate while sitting up on a chair or bed. Sitting down and relaxing helps maintain the breathing levels at normal rates.

Step 2

Measure the number of times the chest or abdomen rises over one minute, and record the number.


The bioimpedance-based sensors can also be used by entering details such as age and height. A normal respiratory rate ranges between 12 to 16 breaths per minute.

Measuring Blood Pressure

Step 1

Wrap an inflatable cuff around the arm to stop blood flow in the arteries.

Step 2

Slowly let the air out the cuff while watching the gauge and read the measurements.


If not using a sphygmomanometer, a stethoscope can listen to the pulse. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80 mmHg regardless of age.


Pulse rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and body temperature measurements can be used to monitor body organs. High hygiene levels should be maintained when measuring body temperature, and different thermometers should be used to take oral and rectal temperatures. Placing the fingertips on the arteries near the skin surface helps measure pulse rate. Observing the number of times, the abdomen rises over a minute help measure the respiratory rate. Meanwhile, the blood pressure is calculated using a sphygmomanometer that records systolic and diastolic pressures. The vital signs measurements are taken and used in making healthcare decisions.


Bao, Xinqi, et al. “Estimation of the Respiratory Rate from Localised ECG at Different Auscultation Sites”. Sensors, vol. 21, no. 1. 2020, p. 78. Web.


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NerdyHound. (2023, February 25). Vital Signs Monitoring and Management. Retrieved from


NerdyHound. (2023, February 25). Vital Signs Monitoring and Management.

Work Cited

"Vital Signs Monitoring and Management." NerdyHound, 25 Feb. 2023,


NerdyHound. (2023) 'Vital Signs Monitoring and Management'. 25 February.


NerdyHound. 2023. "Vital Signs Monitoring and Management." February 25, 2023.

1. NerdyHound. "Vital Signs Monitoring and Management." February 25, 2023.


NerdyHound. "Vital Signs Monitoring and Management." February 25, 2023.


NerdyHound. 2023. "Vital Signs Monitoring and Management." February 25, 2023.

1. NerdyHound. "Vital Signs Monitoring and Management." February 25, 2023.


NerdyHound. "Vital Signs Monitoring and Management." February 25, 2023.