Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality

Paper Info
Page count 3
Word count 831
Read time 4 min
Topic Sociology
Type Essay
Language 🇺🇸 US

Gender Inequality

Gender inequality has been a constant problem in the workplace. The difference in wages between men and women shows the difference in income between men and women. In the modern economy, women usually receive less than men. In 1963, the equal pay system was introduced in the United States (Bell, 2017). June 10 of this year was the first step towards ensuring equal economic opportunities for women, but not now unless we solve the problem. They made additional efforts to end centuries of wage inequality between men and women, Congress 1945-1945 (Bell, 2017). In 2005, an attempt was made to equalize women’s wages, but this measure was never adopted (Bell, 2017). Despite the wishes of working women, this form of gender/economic discrimination is not always wholly eradicated. Some critics believe that the wage gap between men and women has existed for centuries.

Given that the percentage of women in wages (direct wage discrimination), occupational segregation combined with bias against the more able-bodied Moderna, and the actual reduction since women started working can demonstrate that wage discrimination continues to be an urgent problem in the modern workplace. Economic. We are talking about a completely unfair situation that requires and deserves attention. The difference in salary exists because men get it, but they get no less for work than women. Renee Morad, an NBC News writer, talked about the wage gap between men and women, using statistics confirming that “women earn 80.5 cents for every dollar their family earns” (Kunze, 2018).

60% of the Wage Gap

Many factors cause the gender pay gap 60% of the wage gap can be explained by factors known as work experience (10%), trade union status (4%), and choice of profession (27%), among other measurable differences (Sloane et al., 2021). A woman’s length of Service is reduced if she needs maternity leave or resigns from childcare work, which she does more often than her husband’s colleague. Another quarter of the wage gap is explained by the wage gap in industries primarily employing men or women. On the other hand, factors such as broader access to higher education for women help narrow the pay gap. This has reduced the difference by about 7%, but it is still insufficient (Sloane et al., 2021).

Pay Gap

Women need an additional degree to earn as much as men with a lower degree. For example, a woman will need a doctorate to get the same as a man with a bachelor’s degree, and a man with a high school education will earn about the same as a woman with a bachelor’s degree. Even with all these numbers and the reasons why the pay gap can be explained by anything other than sexism, there is still a difference of 10 cents on the dollar (European Commission, 2020). This leaves us with possible explanations ranging from overt sexism to unintentional sex discrimination to women’s reluctance to negotiate higher wages.

Unfair Treatment

Most importantly, everyone should be treated fairly, respectfully, and maturely in the workplace, regardless of gender or race. Unfair treatment at work is usually associated with discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, or pregnancy. The unfair treatment is mainly towards women, not towards men at work. Women feel humiliated, humiliated, and offended. Employers expect all women to multitask well because they do it better than men. Twenty-five percent of workers faced discrimination or unfair treatment in the workplace, and 17 percent said they felt sexually harassed by a co-worker or manager (Pollack, 2021). For example, they interrupt women’s conversations at meetings. Even the use of gender language to characterize a person’s work ethic. However, it prevents women from achieving success at work and causes them not to work in specific jobs/professions.

Trump’s Gender Gap

Wage discrimination has been a part of the American economy because, despite the efforts of some, little has been done to stop it. The Constitution does not recognize many women’s rights in the twenty-first century. Unfortunately, it continues to exist without the current amendment to bridge the wage gap between men and women. Some critics, like many members of the Grand Old Party, were too blind to understand the truth behind this modern form of discrimination (Glynn, 2021). Based on the actual percentage of wages, comparing the salaries of men and women, there is a clear difference between full-time workers.


Women should pay the same amount if they have been through the same thing as men. If a woman works the same job as a man and works the same shifts, she should receive the same remuneration. Women should get the same bonuses and bonuses as men if they work like him. A man should not hire a woman just because she is a woman. He should hire her because she is hardworking. Who is good at what they do and can do it effectively. No matter what kind of work a woman does, she should not worry about being paid less than other men working with her.


Bell M. P. (2017). Diversity in organizations (Third). Cengage Learning.

Glynn, S. J. (2021). Explaining the gender wage gap. Center for American Progress. Web.

European Commission. (2020). The gender pay gap situation in the EU. European Commission. Web.

Kunze, A. (2018). The gender wage gap in developed countries. The Oxford handbook of women and the economy

Pollack, W. (2021). Women, poverty, and the gender wage gap. Shriver Center on Poverty Law. Web.

Sloane, C. M., Hurst, E. G., & Black, D. A. (2021). College majors, occupations, and the gender wage gap. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 35(4), 223- 48. Web.

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NerdyHound. (2024, February 8). Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality. Retrieved from https://nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/


NerdyHound. (2024, February 8). Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality. https://nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/

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"Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality." NerdyHound, 8 Feb. 2024, nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/.


NerdyHound. (2024) 'Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality'. 8 February.


NerdyHound. 2024. "Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality." February 8, 2024. https://nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/.

1. NerdyHound. "Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality." February 8, 2024. https://nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/.


NerdyHound. "Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality." February 8, 2024. https://nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/.


NerdyHound. 2024. "Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality." February 8, 2024. https://nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/.

1. NerdyHound. "Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality." February 8, 2024. https://nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/.


NerdyHound. "Wage Discrimination and Gender Inequality." February 8, 2024. https://nerdyhound.com/wage-discrimination-and-gender-inequality/.